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OFQUAL No.: 603/2171/4

OTHM Level 3 Diploma in Business Studies


The purpose of the OTHM Level 3 Diploma in Business Studies Qualification is to provide students with an understanding of the operations and structures of companies. This qualification is designed to strengthen your business focus and enhance your career prospects. During the course, you will explore many different aspects of business, such as marketing, accounting, human resource management, business strategy, and planning. Successful completion of this qualification will provide students with the supporting knowledge and skills needed to succeed in employment or further study.

Registration Details


OTHM Level 3 Diploma in Business Studies



Accreditation Category:

Approved Foreign Further Education Programme

Total Credit Value:

60 UK credits / 30 ECTS credits

Level EQF / MQF

Level 4


1 Year


January, April, July, October



Course Fee


Registration Fee


*Students must deposit €300 plus full tuiton fee in advance and must provide payment receipt their local Embassy for visa purpose.

Awarding Body Fee


* Registration & Awarding Body Fees are non-refundable

* The awarding body fee must be paid along with the course fee

Minimum Age: 18  years

Minimum Qualification: HSC, GCSE, grade 12, F.A or equivalent  

English Proficiency: If you are not English speaking country you must provide minimum IELTS 5.5 or equivalent

OTHM qualifications at RQF Level 3 (EQF/MQF Level 4) represent practical knowledge, skills, capabilities and competences that are assessed in academic terms as being equivalent to GCE AS/A Levels.

The Level 3 Diploma in Business Studies qualification consists of 4 mandatory units plus 2 optional units for a combined total of 60 UK credits / 30 ECTS credits, 600 hours Total Qualification Time (TQT) and 360 Guided Learning Hours (GLH) for the completed qualification.

The qualification is designed to be delivered over one academic year for full-time study, but it is also flexible in its delivery in order to accommodate part-time and distance learning. The qualification is delivered face-to-face, through lectures, tutorials, seminars, distance and online learning.

Delivery Centre

SBM, 95, St. Georges Beach Complex, St. Georges Road, St. Julian’s Malta

All units within this qualification are internally assessed by the centre and externally verified by OTHM. The qualifications are criterion referenced, based on the achievement of all the specified learning outcomes. To achieve a ‘pass’ for a unit, learners must provide evidence to demonstrate that they have fulfilled all the learning outcomes and meet the standards specified by all assessment criteria. Judgement that the learners have successfully fulfilled the assessment criteria is made by the Assessor. The Assessor should provide an audit trail showing how the judgement of the learners’ overall achievement has been arrived at.

Successful completion of the Level 3 Diploma in Business Studies qualification enables learners’ direct entry into Year 1 of a three-year UK Bachelor’s degree or pursue Level 4 Diplomas. As this qualification is approved and regulated by Ofqual (Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulation), many universities acknowledge the ability of learners after studying Level 3 Diploma in Business Studies and consider for direct entry into a range of their Bachelor’s degree programmes. For more information visit University Progressions page in this website.

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Student's Feedback

In testimonials School Of Business & Management (SBM) is showing a girl studying.
School Of Business & Management (SBM).

My experience at the School of business Management is great and memorable. The teachers and mentors are really helpful and helped me to improve my academic and interpersonal skills.

Mikey Hudson